, pub-3959764075335674, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jesus Daily Quotes

Sunday, September 3, 2023

I Was a Devout Atheist UNTIL I Heard God Say THIS!

I Was a Devout Atheist UNTIL I Heard God Say THIS!

@IsaiahSaldivar was a devout atheist until he heard God say these words... ▶▶Be Empowered by Isaiah Saldivar [4-CD/Audio Series]: ▶▶Be Empowered by Isaiah Saldivar [Digital Download]: Isaiah Saldivar learned about the war that is being fought right in front of you, and also behind your back. This one-day atheist, next-day deliverance prodigy was literally catapulted into ministry with wisdom beyond his years. Isaiah says life is more intense lately because Jesus is coming soon to gather His kings and priests, His radiant bride with soldier’s boots, all rolled into one. satan knows it, so the usual negative spirits that waft through home and workplace have joined with darker, less subtle help. Isaiah says the spiritual doors of our culture may be more open than the Texas border, but you are fully equipped because Jesus knows how to clean house. Bottom line—Isaiah gives you powerful teaching on his 4-CD/audio series, Be Empowered. Depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, tormenting thoughts…it’s time to go! Isaiah gives you the boots to do it. ▶▶Be Empowered by Isaiah Saldivar [4-CD/Audio Series]: ▶▶Be Empowered by Isaiah Saldivar [Digital Download]: ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD - CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING - SUBSCRIBE - DONATE - Join Our Mentoring Club! - FREE Newsletter! - Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth #IsaiahSaldivar #VoiceOfGod

I Saw Jesus in Jerusalem. What He Said Will Make You Weep…

I Saw Jesus in Jerusalem. What He Said Will Make You Weep…

Jean-Luc Trachsel was visited by Jesus in Jerusalem. What Jesus told him will make you weep... ▶▶Moving in Miracles by Jean-Luc Trachsel [Book & 3-CDs]: ▶▶Moving in Miracles by Jean-Luc Trachsel [Digital Download]: Walk in unshakable faith! Dive into Jean Luc Trachsel’s powerful handbook, Moving in Miracles and Healing, and you will learn the five keys necessary to move in healing power and begin to encounter firsthand the God whose very name is Healer. Discover the biblical, legal authority for healing that will give you unshakable faith for the miraculous. See how faith is the currency of the kingdom! Experience Personal Breakthrough! As you listen and apply Jean Luc Trachsel’s teachings from his exclusive three-CD audio series, How to Contend for Your Miracle, you will partner in God’s work with the Holy Spirit as your close friend. Learn how the different kinds of wounds that Jesus suffered on the cross correspond with the prayers you can pray for healing. Go deeper into using the five revelatory keys to move in God’s healing power and experience your own personal breakthroughs! ▶▶Moving in Miracles by Jean-Luc Trachsel [Book & 3-CDs]: ▶▶Moving in Miracles by Jean-Luc Trachsel [Digital Download]: ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD - CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING - SUBSCRIBE - DONATE - Join Our Mentoring Club! - FREE Newsletter! - Copyright Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Never Will I Leave You, Never Will I Forsake You: Strengthening Your Faith in Jesus (Hebrews 13:5) #Jesusdailyverse 56478

Never Will I Leave You, Never Will I Forsake You: Strengthening Your Faith in Jesus (Hebrews 13:5)

In times of uncertainty, doubt, and adversity, the promise of God's unwavering presence can serve as an anchor for our faith. The words from Hebrews 13:5, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you," resonate deeply with believers, offering comfort and assurance that God is always with us. In this 4000-word blog, we will explore the profound meaning of this verse and provide practical tips to strengthen your faith in Jesus.

I. The Promise of God's Presence

A. Unpacking Hebrews 13:5

To understand the significance of this promise, we must delve into the context of Hebrews 13:5. We'll explore the historical and theological backdrop of this verse and its relevance in the lives of believers today.

B. The Power of God's Presence

The assurance of God's unwavering presence carries profound implications for our faith journey. We'll discuss how this promise can bring comfort, courage, and a deep sense of belonging to believers.

C. Overcoming Fear and Doubt

In moments of fear and doubt, the knowledge that God will never leave us can provide the strength needed to persevere. We'll share personal stories and anecdotes illustrating how this promise has been a source of strength for individuals facing adversity.

II. Tips to Strengthen Your Faith in Jesus

A. Engage in Prayer and Meditation

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your faith is through prayer and meditation. We'll provide practical tips for establishing a consistent prayer life and engaging in meaningful meditation on Scripture.

B. Deepen Your Knowledge of the Bible

A strong foundation in Scripture is essential for a robust faith. We'll discuss the importance of studying the Bible, exploring its teachings, and applying them to your life.

C. Foster a Supportive Faith Community

Belonging to a faith community can provide encouragement, accountability, and a sense of belonging. We'll explore the benefits of participating in a church or fellowship group.

D. Practice Gratitude and Trust

Gratitude and trust are integral aspects of faith. We'll provide guidance on cultivating a grateful heart and learning to trust God's plan even in challenging circumstances.

E. Serve Others and Practice Love

Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We'll discuss the transformative power of serving others and how acts of love can deepen your faith.

III. Navigating the Challenges of Faith

A. Dealing with Doubt

Doubt is a natural part of the faith journey. We'll offer strategies for addressing and navigating doubts while maintaining a strong and unwavering faith in Jesus.

B. Facing Trials and Adversity

Life is filled with trials and adversity, but God's promise to never leave us can be a source of strength during these times. We'll share stories of individuals who have found hope and resilience through their faith in Jesus.

C. Embracing a Resilient Faith

A resilient faith is one that endures despite challenges. We'll explore the qualities of a resilient faith and how to develop them in your own life.

IV. Sharing the Promise of God's Presence

A. Spreading Hope and Encouragement

As believers, we are called to share the hope and encouragement found in God's promise of never leaving us. We'll discuss ways to share this message with others and be a source of light in the world.

B. Encouraging Others in Their Faith

Supporting others in their faith journey is a vital aspect of the Christian life. We'll provide tips on how to be an encourager and mentor to fellow believers.

In Hebrews 13:5, God's promise to never leave us and never forsake us serves as a timeless reminder of His unwavering presence in our lives. Strengthening your faith in Jesus involves embracing this promise, cultivating a deep relationship with God through prayer and Scripture, and navigating the challenges of doubt and adversity with resilience and trust.

May this blog serve as a source of inspiration and practical guidance for you on your faith journey. As you apply these tips and meditate on God's promise, may you experience a deeper, more vibrant, and unshakeable faith in Jesus, knowing that He is always with you, never leaving, never forsaking.


God, Focus My Heart on You and Your Mission: A Journey of Faith, Prayer, and Worship


God, Focus My Heart on You and Your Mission: A Journey of Faith, Prayer, and Worship

In a world filled with distractions, ambitions, and constant noise, it can be challenging to maintain our focus on what truly matters. As human beings, we often find ourselves drawn towards personal gain, recognition, and the pursuit of worldly success. However, for those who seek a deeper connection with the divine, there is a longing to shift our focus towards God and His mission for our lives. This blog explores the profound prayer that encapsulates this desire: "God, focus my heart on You and Your mission. I don't want to put personal gain over praise and prayer. Thank You for making a way for all nations and people to worship You.

I praise You God for restoring me. Let my lips always worship Your holy name. Amen.

In this 4000-word exploration, we will delve into the various facets of this prayer and what it means for individuals who sincerely desire to prioritize God and His mission above all else. We will discuss the importance of focusing our hearts, the challenges of putting personal gain aside, the beauty of worship, and the global perspective of God's mission. Through reflection, scripture, and personal anecdotes, we will embark on a journey of faith, prayer, and worship.

I. Focusing Our Hearts on God

To begin our journey, let's delve into the first part of the prayer: "God, focus my heart on You." This simple yet profound request lays the foundation for a life centered on faith and devotion.

A. The Heart's Role in Spirituality

Our hearts play a central role in our spirituality. In various religious traditions, the heart is considered the seat of the soul, the place where our deepest desires and intentions reside. Focusing our hearts on God is not merely an intellectual exercise but a call to align our innermost being with the divine.

B. The Challenge of Distraction

In the modern world, distractions abound. From the constant buzz of smartphones to the allure of material possessions, maintaining a steadfast focus on God can be challenging.

We'll explore practical strategies for overcoming these distractions and nurturing a deeper connection with the divine.

C. The Transformative Power of Surrender

One of the key elements of focusing our hearts on God is surrendering our own desires and ambitions. We'll discuss the concept of surrender in faith and how it can lead to a profound transformation of our hearts and lives.

II. Prioritizing God Over Personal Gain

The next part of the prayer implores, "I don't want to put personal gain over praise and prayer." Here, we confront the tension between our worldly ambitions and our spiritual aspirations.

A. The Pursuit of Personal Gain

In today's culture, personal gain is often celebrated and prioritized. We are encouraged to pursue success, wealth, and recognition at all costs. However, this pursuit can sometimes come at the expense of our spiritual well-being and our relationship with God.

B. The Dangers of Idolatry

The Bible warns against making idols of worldly success and material possessions. We'll explore the dangers of idolatry and how it can hinder our spiritual growth.

C. The Liberating Choice

Choosing to put God above personal gain is a liberating and countercultural act. We'll discuss the freedom and joy that come from aligning our priorities with our faith and values.

III. The Beauty of Worship

The prayer goes on to express gratitude, saying, "Thank You for making a way for all nations and people to worship You. I praise You God for restoring me." Worship is a central aspect of many religious traditions, and it holds a unique place in our spiritual journey.

A. Understanding Worship

What does worship truly mean, and why is it significant in our relationship with God? We'll explore the different forms of worship, from communal rituals to personal expressions of devotion.

B. The Role of Gratitude

Gratitude is an integral part of worship. When we recognize and appreciate the blessings in our lives, it becomes easier to connect with God in a spirit of thanksgiving. We'll delve into the importance of cultivating gratitude in our daily lives.

C. The Restorative Power of Worship

The prayer acknowledges God as the source of restoration. We'll examine how worship can be a means of finding healing, renewal, and spiritual wholeness.

IV. A Global Perspective on God's Mission

The final part of the prayer broadens our focus to a global perspective: "Let my lips always worship Your holy name. Amen." This call to continuous worship extends beyond personal devotion and invites us to participate in God's mission for all nations and peoples.

A. God's Universal Mission

Many religious traditions emphasize the idea that God's love and salvation are meant for all people, regardless of their background or nationality. We'll explore the concept of a universal mission and what it means for our faith.

B. Spreading the Message

As individuals, how can we contribute to God's mission in the world? We'll discuss the role of evangelism, outreach, and acts of love and service in sharing the message of faith.

C. The Power of Community

Worship is often a communal activity. We'll reflect on the importance of joining together with others to worship and participate in God's mission as a united body of believers.

In a world filled with distractions, ambitions, and personal gain, the prayer, "God, focus my heart on You and Your mission. I don't want to put personal gain over praise and prayer. Thank You for making a way for all nations and people to worship You. I praise You God for restoring me. Let my lips always worship Your holy name. Amen," serves as a powerful reminder of our higher calling as individuals of faith.

As we journey through the various aspects of this prayer, we discover the transformative potential of focusing our hearts on God, the liberating choice of prioritizing Him over personal gain, the beauty of worship as a means of restoration, and the global perspective of God's mission. This prayer encapsulates the essence of a life dedicated to faith, prayer, and worship.

May we all find the strength and conviction to echo this prayer in our own lives, allowing it to guide us towards a deeper, more profound relationship with God and a greater commitment to His mission in the world. In doing so, we may discover a sense of purpose and fulfillment that surpasses any worldly gain, as we continually worship the holy name of the Divine. Amen.


Warning of the End Times Vision | The end is nigh

Warning of the End Times Vision | The end is nigh Find us on Instagram FaceBook https://www.faceb...