, pub-3959764075335674, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Jesus Daily Quotes: #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusdailyprayer
Showing posts with label #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusdailyprayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Jesusdailyquotes Jesusdailyprayer. Show all posts

Friday, October 27, 2023

#JesusDailyPrayer 453672



Dear Jesus, I don't want to lose what matters most

by focusing on momentary things.

So please help me.

When I am tired, please strengthen me.

When living a comfortable life seems more appealing than following 

You unconditionally--please convict and correct me.

Give me the strength to trust in You.

I know that You are worth living and dying for, 

but please help me to live like it.


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Altadena residents shocked to find homes intact